... They encounter some real monsters eventually ... But the series was getting a bit weird at that point. (I think this was after they introduced...
Probably similar stuff, Simple Green is just one of those super stain removers.
Razordons ?
My bad...
Put them in the freezer first, then gently pry apart the joints with an old hobby knife (don't stab yourself). alternately you can try giving them...
I believe it was 50mmx50mm. use like 3mm rare earth magnets for stegs, and green stuff for our ill fitting cold ones.
Wogity so far has done one mass order per year, and generally take at least 1/2 a year to get those orders out.
Some archaic knowledge from the Lizardmen tactician. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/the-8e-lizardmen-handbook-updated-november-2nd-2014.13130/
I guess that's what happens when you drop it that many times. :meh:
The yellow doe have a lot more pop. :D You could turn it up a little more with some brighter blue highlights on your blue scales. (paint them more...
Just tell them it's a green stuff conversion, using genuine GW Green Stuff tm. :pompus:
huh, I wonder who the other elite storm trooper is ? (the one with the black stripe)