cheers dude im pretty proud
Thanks dude
Ive tried a bit the magnets i have arent strong enough so ill have a look tomorrow in town and might see what i can get
i will try to do the washer trick but i don't understand how to attach them like on the inside of the saddle yeah or flat?
now pendrake hope that helps
work so far lol just held together with gluetack to see how it looks
Hey guys i have an old metal Kroq gar on Grimlock and im looking to upgrade him a bit with the new plastic old blood head and arms from the star...
the single thing i did that improved my painting was thinning my paints
looks very cool i did one similar myself * should be here somewhere* only my guy is a tiny bit bigger looking forward to the final result
when i strip models i use metaled spirits it works great haven't had an issue yet its the scrubbing that makes things break off but that's the...
i personalty think your guy looks grand just a bit glossy is all
Thank you everyone for the help birthday is soon so ill pick up an EOTG of EW
well that sucks i thought that's what allies do thanks for that
somehow i got it in my head they were so im looking at the new SCE wizards for healing then?
Dread sauarian only heals himself and EOTG is random :-(
but he isnt in the battletome
Would any sylvenath work for me? otherwise ill get an EOTG