I'm thinking about doing the exact same thing
*cough Cough* spare Saurus warriors COUGH!!!
Thank you dude
More grey I think
Yeah I've seen ill be getting a few Saurian ancients for Kroxigors till GW make not derpy ones
Sorry to open old wounds but does anyone have the original paints used to paint him his original color?
*Posts box of Skinks to *Rikard*
So since finding this site i see a lot of folks mention green stuff and I've seem some amazing things done with it and I'm just wondering is the...
Just a cheap costume jewelry chain the rubbish thing they gave me in the box broke and it wasn't worth repairing the chain might be a tad to big...
oh no :-(
thats a great idea with that Krox looks great with that skull helm i wish the GW ones had that id feel better about buying theirs then