Salamanders work fine as they are only 40 point cost - would be imbalanced otherwise *looks Tzeentchs' way* What needs reworking for competitive...
It is a balanced mechanic more likely ;) Let's hope other factions' mechanics make sense as well, so the balance will be kept !
Really really cool result, I love the unique color scheme and the skink idea, lovely !
No 8" move is a slow unit ! + do not forget we have our allegiance tp - with a curse of fate 33% of being 3" outside any opponent unit you wish ;)
He is exactly right. My worst match ups by far are : SCE ( +1 cover item -> mostof the army 2+ rerollable) which are nerfed atm so not such a...
This should be BIG and FUN. Looking forward to it !
Teleport is not a list thing. It is on our allegiance abilities written in GH2017 !
Well, it is actually useful in all phases : early turns when you wanna charge to push forawrd and make your unit in a better charging shape, for...
I hope you are still around because this may be the best tactics thread I 've ever read in the internet so far regarding AoS. Back in the day when...
Yep, this list might not be meta game but is definitely nothing to be laughed at if played properly and can probably work out well in a tournament !
This is a fun list and could work. Judging by your miniatures however, I would also go for a Bloodclaw ! Guards can be included. While admittedly...
Yes, he can. It is really good indeed but far from busted as he cannot carry any item to protect him and he can be easily targeted by experienced...
Conga line !
@Xlanax_lot besides an overly talented guy, you are also an amazing one. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom bro !
This could work, I like the ideas around it. It only has 2 problems. 1 is magic, which is a bit of a trouble, not having summon starlight +...
What an amazing result. You are talented my friend. Congratulations and thanks for sharing !
Haha it is indeed incredible, also loving the account icons ( hate them too my poor skinks ! ) Thanks a bunch guys, you are awesome !
Powerful per 10 ? You should face 30 of them with 12 shields, max 2hand weapons. It is the most overwhelming single unit in the meta game right...
My guess is that he summons it right away and gives opponent a choice : lose shooting for 40p target or let it be and risk a d6 + d3 potential out...
Thank you so much man ! I loved the battlerep, can't wait to read the rest and follow your painting blog !