"..getting the bonus as long as they outnumber the target.." I actually like the thought of this a lot. It makes sense. After reading the fluff...
If it says "No unit can move or charge" sure you can. Chameleons are not moved. They are "..hiding and then revealed.. by setting it up anywhere...
Is there a FAQ that says Balewind counts as cover ?? The only problem with skinks is : 20 attacks *I wont even consider 5, go group of 10 -...
For a 1k tourney the Kroak list might as well be the strongest out of the 3 :) Welcome !
This could work. Beastclaw hit like a truck BUT if you give them 1st turn you got the upper hand. Had a Heavenswatch list that left with with 4...
Yes, haven't really sit and done it yet but I had been using them for 6 months *wasn't that experienced back then* and they definitely need some...
Definitely better than before but still : 1. Doing MW on WOUND rolls means that their damage output is just too unreliable to be counted in...
Seems good besides 1 point : the 80p on handlers + razo is pretty much a waste of points unfortunately. You should invest at least 3 razo in order...
How will you manage to "point" them ? I love the idea of the snakes but 8" aren't that many after all and my guess is you will not have enough...
Welcome ! Looking forward to your first painting update !
By the way @darren watson I just realised : This is indeed a list that can definitely work and hit fyreslayers that are going to be all over but...
Incredible, truly
Wow just wow. This is a truly unique color. Warrior that usually looks “good” looks unique and amazing. I love it
I agree with you go for the Terradon claws. I should not by any means take any credit for this incredible tutorial. This is SOLELY your AWESOME...
Why wouldn't you sell them to a fellow Lustrian if he is interested ? ;) Write the list of models and their condition !
Laughed so hard again. I even dare say that the 2nd was even better than the first which was already awesome. Keep me coming !! :D:D
:eek::eek::eek: I am playing Terradons for the first time this Sunday and I did NOT see that. Which can be game changing since I 'll really need...
Does the Stegs' ability work on skink units ? I'm guessing that it should and was supposed so but officially as the skinks have the "skinks"...
Well free aside, I was mad indeed. I love GW and pay for it. This is indeed something I am not willing to forget :p
I enjoyed reading this battlereport so much. Lots of laugh and awesome pictures ! Talking about awesomeness.. what a WONDERFUL army man ! I L O V...