Whats with the hostility and wrongful assumptions? I've been playing tournaments competitively for several years. Warhammer is too complex to...
What exactly killed your stegs? Did you have good war machine hunters? With this list I have ridiculously good war machine hunters, so unless I'm...
Hello everyone ! When 8th ed first came I didn't have the time to pick it up, but my gaming friends started to play so I started to really get...
Thats only if he takes a magic banner, if he dont then he can take items like a normal scar vet.
Re: 2250pt list friendly If you consider double engine and a 4 discipline party slann to be friendly then I don't want to see what you consider...
Sure every Lore have spells you don't like but as you select the spells at random it can be a huge disadvantage to only have 5 spells. I you take...
I definitly agree with skinker, a competent player would not in any normal situation allow his dagon to get charged by a carno or war spear steg....
This probably belongs in the rules question section but here goes: 1. "for EACH successful hit inflicted, the victim must pass a leadrship test"...
You can't take two of any magical item archtype, so only 1 magic armor, 1 arcane item, 1 weapon, 1 enchanted item and 1 talisman. Scrolls and...
-They REALLY don't like panic, 1-2 single sallies can send their entire front line running. -Wyvern can be taken out by skink blowpipes or...
The hydra have a specific rule preventing chars from joining hydras, but other monsters and handlers could be joined by a char.
A unit of TGs with Slann are ITP, so no test is needed. They will take damage tho. As strewart mentioned, only US 1 chars get 360 degrees LOS,...
I disagree completly, my MSU lists usually revovle around shoot & avoidance, this list is not exception. I rarely ever charge with my saurus...
Beast of cower helps to get it pinned down, then just hit it with everything you got (rocks, blowpipes, javs, giant bows, burnning alignment,...
Your both kinda correct, I needed a small comp boost to reach 15.01 and you gain comp according to the cost of the saurus/skink cohorts. I also...
Yeah the Chief will obviously be on an Ancient (as you can see in the list). Its true that I get better comp score, and free up some pts to add...
Re: April Painting Pledge! Getting ready for a tournie and upgrading a lot of 5th ed models to 6th ed (as there are no 7th ed models) to improve...
I've always been a big fan of Saurus champs, they offer a lot of tactical flexibility with the challange option, and they can make a conga-line...
After playing Dark Elves the last 3 tournaments I decided to get my lizard out for a big tournament in may. For those who read my last Lizardmen...
Focus Familiar is a must on the sorc. You want to be able to hide from cannons and the like to avoid the dragon getting gibbed, and it can also be...