Stick a Cold One Scar-vet in your saurus block and you are effectivly immune to fear (technically you case fear with US 2, but it still ignores...
The ring is a huge problem, as you have 44% (!) chance to miscast with 3 dice, and with only 2 dice he will dispell it easy. The worst lists...
The Slann with Bane head and mystery are going to be very hit or miss. Some characters are simply too resilient against magic and once you get...
I almost always take the lone slann, as I find it to be at least as competative as TGs and much less of a point sink. When you put a ~800 pts unit...
A pretty solid set up. Piranha Blade + Bane head is another great combo for killing characters, and also makes you effective against multi wound...
Clrealy you don't know what redirection is. Divertion is what skirmishers do (they line up their center in an angle so when they flee, enemy units...
You should probably read the first post more carefully...
Been a while since the OP started this thread but I'll throw in my 2 cents anyway. Tomb King Pretty decent character set up. King - Prince -...
Skink Chohorts seems to have been a pretty hot topic as of late, but ranked Skinks are NOT supposed to fight, they are a tactically flexible unit...
Ah, I misunderstood, thought you meant it was an army-wide rules, not a specific unit. Thats what I get for skimming posts >.<
No, you tell your opponent which hero you nominate, its not like assassins or fanatics, you simply point at whatever you want to bane head at the...
I agree, the lore of shadow is pretty shoddy against DoC, I'd only ever considering it to drop the GD of Nurgle down a Pit of Shades, but then...
Nope, the only rule they have that is even remotley close to that is they can fire into close combat if that combat involves Slaves, but there is...
Heh, I didn't count templates and terradons because they are completly different type of shooting but I forgot about the doomwheel. Most of the...
They are automatic hits, on the Hellblaster it specificly says you need to roll to hit while the Organ Gun just says an artillery dice worth of...
Yes, just like any other character in a unit L,OS! is used when a character in a unit is hit by a template (not just in TGs, he gets L,OS! in any...
Don't forget to take the extra survivability into consideration, the skink crew on the ancient has 2+ save and the steg itself has 3+, which is...
Saurus warriors are just as good in units of 12, deployed 6 wide. You lose 1 static CR (which you would lose after taking 1 wound anyway) and you...
I've always just assumed that if 1 razordon misfires then no razordon gets to shoot, but looking closely at the wording in both the BRB, the...
Read the brb page 95, states very clarly that the MR of character is transfered to the unit.