And it shows, because most herbivores get torn up by carnivores unless there are a lot of them or they're the biggest of the big. You're lucky...
It's a fun game but why anyone would ever play a herbivore is beyond me.
It's all clearly warpaint. You can see on some of the bigger scales there's a bit of blue underneath.
Bretonnia, Empire, High Elves, Dark Elves and WoC. They're just amongst the least interesting of the factions on that list in my eyes.
I understand that fear but it's too early I think. I don't reckon they will add AoS stuff.
What's the complaint exactly?
Is there any possibility of you releasing your Nakai reskin as its own thing, separate from this mod? If not, can I use it in my own mod? I did a...
I don't think it does imo, it's pretty metallic and honestly seems more like an Ogre or Greenskin weapon.
Does it though?
Sounds really, really stupid and contradicts past lore in a major way.
Think there's an issue with your links.
It's said "Teh-en-ow-in", actually.
It's not going to be Thanquol either. They've explicitly recently said he won't be coming any time soon. My money's on Throt but I've never made...
It won't be, not for this patch. There's not going to be a rework with it. It's either going to be a DE or Skaven vs Dwarfs or Vamps DLC.
In art they're definitely more bipedal than quadrupedal. But then the model (and thus the basis for the TW version" isn't really based off of any...
Hearthstone is old news and Overwatch was always a very poor man's TF2. It's Gor-Rok.
Really? Blizzard haven't done anything worthwhile in nearly a decade.
I guess it's just a matter of taste. Me, i think the more crocodile look sets them apart and gives them their own identity. In particular Nakai...
Woogity's Kroxigors aren't all that similar to Total War Kroxigors. Even though he also made those ones.
When the Lizardmen were cut off from the Slann in the Dragon Isles, they degenerated into a feral, devolved state, little more than animals....