I think people overestimate the stupidity of Kroxigors. They're certainly not the cleverest but the short story released with the Lizardmen in WH2...
I did suspect that was the case but thought it might be an idea to mention it anyway. That's fair enough if that's the way you wanted it then.
If I might say so, Orion's green looks a little bright. It gives him a sort of ethereal look.
Yes, they're one of my favourite units. While I don't play AoS I'd be interested in seeing them get a new model, perhaps one similar to the Total...
They spawn in the same pools as and have a bond with Skinks. Visually they're closer to Saurus, depending on what interpretation you take, and...
Nobody ever remembers the Kroxigors.
For the belly? Depends how dark it is. A dark purple wouldn't be too bad for the body instead of the belly though, would pair well with the...
I'd say try a grey or tan for the belly. The white clashes with the yellow.
I'm really confused at reading some of these posts, have you actually read the End Times book you're referencing? Kroq-Gar was never poisoned. He...
I see what you mean but the difference between two models can't be that huge, can it? If one skink is, for example, 10cm tall and one's 13cm, an...
Thank you for your pictures, but they're sadly not as helpful as I'd like. Ideally I'd just prefer metric measurements of the height, length and...
Still could do with some measurements if anyone has one of these models, a ruler and a few minutes to spare.
That seems to be an excessive amount of Chameleon Skinks I'd say. They don't perform that well. You'd be better off trading those in for...
All Salamanders fire in arcs, yes. You can definitely place them behind other units of infantry. The same goes for the Engine of the Gods; the...
Yes, that's from the Warhammer Chronicles 2004 book special army "Lost Valley of the Carnosaurs".
Thunder Lizard wasn't mentioned in 6th at all as far as I can tell, though I don't know about 5th. However I think you might be thinking of the...
I'm not putting them on bases though so that doesn't help.
I was thinking of making some custom figurines of various lizards, mainly for fun, but I'd want them to be of a similar size to the actual models....
Lost Kingdoms did a very nice looking Archaeopyteryx for a Kickstarter freebie, but that boat's sadly sailed unless you can maybe buy a couple...
I love the patterning on the Oracle and the colours on the Troq look quite good, don't often see green. Not sold on the eyes at all though, they...