I mean.. He is nasty, but we still dont know his movement or point cost. Looks to easily be 250+. He will die fast to MWs though. It sounds like...
But at the end of the day, isnt it still 6 pieces of terrain with random scenery effects? I mean regardless of TO having rolled prior to your...
The issue is that the big tournaments will preplan all the terrain on the tables regardless of GHB19 or GHB20 rules etc., so the smaller...
I think it is because we assume/wish that every subfaction and batallion needs to be equality balanced, which I dont think is their intention....
There is a FAQ that states otherwise. If you look at the actual warscroll his name is “Saurus Oldblood” and then lowercase “on Carnosaur”
I have scenery dice for both the old and the new chart, so we roll both + 1D6 to determine which dice counts. Takes no time at all. I really like...
I mean if you have X models and want to make a list consisting of them, I think thats perfectly fine and cool! Sometimes we also find a model that...
The reason I have little faith in Coalesced is that I look at the subfaction, batallions and warscrolls and I dont see anything unique. What...
Well you could make an arguement that “people can just move off terrain”, which is true, but that also means you potentially deny your opponent...
Im not sure how you will win on objectives. What are you planning to use for capturing? A Bastiladon? It doesnt matter if a block of 20-30 of X...
I'd be rather sad if they "dragged" Starborne down to the level of Coalesced instead of pulling Coalesced up. I also dont think the two...
I mean the extra rend is nice and you could make the Skinks +3 to save (+5 with shield, +1 from Skink Priest 3+ prayer and +1 from Starseer...
Yep. Pretty much as predicted. With our traits, artefacts and batallions (for Skinks anyways) being so terrible, Slann is really no alternative to...
Been sleeping a bit on my original list and came up with this modified version. [SPOILER] Im really sad of letting the Bound Purple Sun go, but...
Dont you feel like the ability is kind of whatever if we dont have access to it from turn 1? If we cant deploy a Wizard/Priest inside, it feels...
I mean I dont really value the Seraphon results off TTS too much, since it is honestly a lot different playing AoS online than actually playing on...