Im awaiting for us to get the full picture in regards to the custom hero system, but initially being able to effectively buy Ethereal amulet that...
I played WHFB like 15 years ago. Back then you werent allowed to measure distance like you can now. Like if you were to shoot with a cannon you...
Yes you can make a Priest or Starpriest fly but that takes up an artefact slot. That is worth WAY more than 20, 50 points or whatever. It is...
If you look at current models, for 400 pts you can get a beast with a serious impact on the table though. Especially if you slap on certain...
My point was exactly that I would be OK if a self-made hero was arguably worse simply due to being overcosted as a result for the "heroforge...
I think it will really depend on how crazy you can make a hero. Typically big hitters are riding a big monster, which inherits quite a few...
Regardless of list the first few games will always be rough especially if you play against opponents that arent super new to the hobby. It is a...
Kroak will be more than fine. He can still pass off wounds to Guards on a 2+ and use his own FNP save of a 4++. The difference between having a...
I think pretty much every list with Kroak should have Balewind and Geminids, at least in Starborne. I have a couple of lists where I have either...
In GHB20 you will no longer be able to stack FNP saves ontop of each other. This wont really affect us outside of Kroak with his 4+ and Astrolith...
We arent in the book. My friend has received it already and showed me some of the Pages. We will be in a digital pdf/errata.
So no points in the book for us but they specifically mentioned that armies released after Cities of Sigmar will be digital print. I guess this...
40 Wardens = 480. 30 Sentinels = 420. Teclis = 660. Cathallar = 140. Not sure about Auralan Legion and endless spell point costs but without those...
@Nart Did you post your Thunderquake list somewhere? My mate was curious about such a list but he cant really figure out how to put it together.
Ask whoever you are playing against/setting up the event. As @Tav pointed out this can heavily vary.
I know this doesnt really answer your question, but I think you should seriously reconsider magnetizing your Skinks. They are super small and not...
I dont know, we never played with realm rules and tournaments around here have started to exclude them. I like the idea of them being easier/more...
I have to ask why they are refered to as LRR (seen it on different forums too) when its Lumineth Realm Lords. LRL makes more sense to me? ;)
Some new teases in regards to GHB20 here Sky battles...
The issue is that some battletomes just have really terrible artefact choices and kinda relied on the Malign Sorcery ones, where as other tomes...