I was about to ask if there is any chance it was for narrative play, but it mentions matched play just above in that picture - Every other I have...
Point drops for Bastiladon/Stegadon/Dread Saurian/Troglodon - They are all honestly quite bad imo considering the points you sink into a single...
This is what I feel too. On the other hand playtesters have played with Seraphon months before Seraphon was released, so they could have given...
I think Saurus Knights are very viable in Koatls Claw, Im not a fan of Warriors but the issue imo is just lack of mobility in Coalesced. The...
Literally every single example could easily be turned on its head and arguemented for being the exact opposite. It is subjective. Just because you...
I was legit just curious, Im not trying to attack you. I just feel like there are a ton of "keyboard warriors" on the internet that throw around...
Man I could've sworn the Celestial Equilibrium was keyworded to Friendly Seraphon Wizards, not just Friendly Wizards.. The difference between...
Please supply the clear evidence since it is "factual". I dont care about WHFB or 40K. We are playing AoS. There have been accusations that rule...
"Fairly well known fact"?. That is a big yikes right there man.
At first glance it seems like they indeed can, but I doubt that is the intention at all. Seems like an easy FAQ. The podcast is made up of...
The article specifically says that the 3 kind of units can unbind or cast Power of Hysh. I havent bothered too much looking into german warscrolls...
I guess they are nice and peaceful frog dudes? Dont wanna hurt nobody!
Just curious but have you actually played any game on the table/TTS yet? Or are you just basing this off reading rules in our book? I have...
Well first off I did mention Starborne. ;) I personally dont care about Coalesced. What attracts me to Seraphon is simply options - CCP,...
Unfortunately I do believe we are pigeonholed into those 3 options when it comes to Starborne. I just feel like Dracothian's Tail loses it's...
So I played the list once again, this time against Mawtribes (4 Stonehorn + 2 Mournfang + 4 Mournfang + Slaughterdude) - We had time so we did 2...
Played a couple of games by now with Slann + Kroak + Astrolith + Trog and I have never summoned anything but 10 Skinks or 1 Salamander. I was...
But is it really worth it then? Treelord Ancient is honestly a quite terrible model on the table, and fielding him just so you can set up 1 wood...
I would say you should take their predictions with a grain of salt. They didnt think Seraphon would be that strong and they kind of didnt really...
I dont hate this list at all. I would personally swap the 2 Stegadons for 2 Bastiladons + Bound Burning Head to soften up targets from range and...