As with everything else in life there are obviously outliners, but it does seem to be the general theme they are going with. If you wanted it...
Fluff wise it makes sense to me Scaly Skin only works against melee attacks or shooting. I see it as the Coalesced dinos having developed thick...
1) You need to measure each model individually. If only 10 Skinks out of 40 is within range, only 10 can shoot. 2) Cover also applies to melee,...
Sure but it is such a fundamental part of the game. There is probably a ton of people that grab 2.000 pts (or whatever they decide on) then line...
The Lumineth player still has to choose - Few casts that go through guaranteed or more casts that potentially will be unbound. He also likely...
I dont feel like the rules are absurdly broken or super oppressive to play against. Double CP is obviously annoying, but I do think we are one of...
It looks to be a rather elite force with very few bodies for the objective game, especially if Teclis is taken. Teclis looks very weak in combat...
Yeah I just re-read the Forgotten Nightmares rule and it seems he doesnt even need to benefit from the alligiance to act as cover for the rest of...
IDK would have to be updated with having Lumineth as allies, but even then - Since hes an ally he wont benefit from the IDK alligiance abilities?...
What buffs are you assuming on the Kroxigors to get those kind of numbers?
I would swap Jaws for Balewind due to Kroak. Not only is the extra spell worthwhile (especially since you are giving him +1 to cast from Slann)...
You explained the issue in the start. Both a Maw Krusha and Terrorgheist are twice the points of our Carnosaurs, so obviously the Carnosaurs will...
I never really thought about it until now but the spell reads "... pick 1 enemy Hero that bears an artefact of power within 12" ...". That does...
I played a game yesterday with a slight variation to this list. I switched 5 Guards to 10 Skinks and Bound Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws. I played an...
Yes but we still havent seen the actual stats of any units beside Eltharion. If they all have 1 wound, bad saves, low amount of attacks etc. etc....
We played Places of Arcane Power (2019) yesterday in my club. I was Starborne and my other mate on a nearby table played Coalesced. My opponent...
Multiple of your points are feelings or random guesses, and thats what I mean. You really dont know anything yet from the release. They have made...
So since alot of this is based off “this doesnt feel right for Aelves” do you have early access to their tome/lore? It has been made clear this...
Pretty sure it wont have any impact beside the MW output. As you mentioned, nowhere on the warscroll does it indicate if said ability is an...
Did you even read what I wrote? The nearest point is completely irrelevant. It is all about the furthest point of a model.