Skink Starpriest went from within 8” to wholly within 12”. Slann fly CA went from within 10” to wholly within 18”. This “feeling” of yours just...
Just curious, but what exactly are you feeling cheated out of? I read the article and thought it was cool. Is it good or bad? No clue until the...
I feel like when talking about lists with people it is hard to say “this is a great list!” without thinking “but if you switched X and Y for...
I did specifically mention from a damage point of view though. My point is that people seem to give the Starpriest way too much credit because of...
Knights in Coalesced is a pretty good target for the Starpriest. Otherwise I agree - It might sound great to deal MWs on 6s to wound, but when...
On something like Salamanders both arent that amazing. A Starpriest is 1,5 Salamander point wise, but doesnt even add the damage equal to 1 extra...
Exalted Greater Daemon of Khorne went from within 8” to wholly within 18”. Gordrakk went from within 20” to wholly within 24” etc. There are...
You will no doubt see Terradons/Kroxigors etc on the tables, my point is just that it is no surprise people opt for the models that perform the...
Treelord Ancient on its own is honestly really lackluster. If you want the ability to have models appear on the other side of the table I would...
Its 140 + 130 + 220 (490) from what I recall. But do we even know there wont be a seperate start collecting box beside this army box?
Kroak is objectively just a better Slann and our other casters honestly suck. The Starseer is super underwhelming casting-wise. So it is really no...
But what is the point of these abstract suggestions? Is it just to avoid being caught red handed due to bad movement play? It is entirely within...
It is basically 500 points. Seems like an ok starting point to grow your army.
Likely blobs of 40 Skinks. Great output with a Priest + Starpriest and plently of bodies for objectives. It should be possible to get Salamanders...
With my Dracothian’s Tail list the idea is to drag out the game and let the opponent come to me to open up to be hit with a deepstrike teleport,...
In the start of AoS most buffs were within based, but alot of updated tomes changed those rules to be wholly within but also had increased range...
Dont think it has anything to do with making lazy or easy fixes to the rules but more to do with making the gameplay smooth. Having to measure...
Skystreak bows are alright, but your damage is really from melee attacks. Assuming you play with objectives, you really need to consider how to...
The lists only had 3-4 more than you? Doesnt seem that excessive to me. I predict every serious Starborne list fielding at least 6 every time. I...
I guess that is blobs of 30 Skinks and not 3x10? I would personally prefer blobs of 40 for maximum value. I also really like the trait on the...