Summoning is indeed dead in the water, which I am personally happy with as less summoning in AoS is a good thing. Sacrificing 2 spell casts to get...
Yea natural 1s always fail. This case of thinking about modifying the dice and not the save is normally not needed, as this is only relevant for a...
It is not crazy, that is rather straight forward, it just clashes with the shorthand mentality people have regarding saves, rolls and modifiers in...
While RAW can be a bit odd at times, I don't think anyone sane will raise an eyebrow regarding who is the mount between the skink chief and...
Ok a bit of cheesehammer here: Skink Chief on Stegadon: Thunder lizard general with +1 attack to mount weapons. Stegadon helmet (taken from...
Let me try. 140 points for a unit with 8 move, 4+ save, and very decent damage, if near a skink unit, such as even steg or basti, you get +1 to...
It does suck a bit, but in some cases saves improved by 1 for models with shields. The major losers here are scarvets and saurus guards. I do...
Ok some units will be able to fight better now, but what is going on with the Scarvet on cold-one? 3 attacks with damage 1? Just why take this...
Well got to say the warscroll and all the rules and what I am hearing so far is rather underwhelming. The Basti seems incredibly poor now and not...
Usually guerilla minis or dark artisan etc. got full read through reviews up on preview day, so expect to see the full rules in just 2 days this...
So the preview of the terrain is up, pretty funky. For all its spectacle it "only" does d3 mortal wounds to enemy models near some terrain. I...
Scaly skin is very good though, reducing damage by 1 is a big deal, Ironjawz will HATE fighting these guys as it completely negates warchanters...
With the shift to lower bravery and possible real living seraphon, I also hope the focus on summoning goes away or is way toned down in favor of...
Now the wait begins until the youtube reviews of the full book coming saturday. I can't imagine them getting rid of blowpipe skinks, my huge...
The start collect box is a bit odd, considering it is start collect Skinks. Quite possible the divide between saurus and skinks will increase....
The old blood on foot better have more than 2 attacks with 3+/4+/-1/d3! The guy is absolutely pathetic right now ;)
Well why be content with mediocrity. I actuallyl ike the zombies more, at least they are more dynamic to look at with some funny things going on,...
Not entirely unlikely we might see previews appearing soon, if we see them pop up already next week, then preorders the 8th for a release on 15/02...
Yea sort of regret not jumping on the lost kingdoms kickstarter now, hoping GW had something up their sleeve. There is a stark contrast between...
Disappointing, the great hope was still on that rumor engine looking like a dino tail of sorts, but of course it was not Seraphon, of all things...