I expect a Seraphon book to appear maybe feb. but at the latest sometime in mar. They are getting Tzeentch and KO out now, then they will milk the...
I am also thinking this might be the sad reality of it. The only rumor engines which has not been confirmed so far which COULD be Seraphon related...
If any models are going to be replaced at all, I would really not expect the Stegadon or 'Dactyl kits to be the ones to go...
Worst fears that might just have me sell the army would be: 1. No new miniatures at all. We have seen how proper saurus look, both in the...
I don't know if they can be called absurd yet, especially with so little data and entirely new rules to get used to. However take Krigsluntan GT...
While I still do not see what that has to do with Seraphon rumors, I can't help but comment that this is just an opinion. I play multiple armies,...
Jeez can't even go to the Seraphon rumor thread without salt for the last new thing. Maybe no rumors or new rules for Seraphon is a good thing,...
There is aboth a lot of hyperbole and outright misinformation about the Mortek Guard but also the Bonereapers as a whole. 1. We will assume 3+...
I am very interested in seeing where GW goes with Seraphon, as I suspect they are not overly happy with the faction as it is right now. I would...
Looking at the unboxing of the new Bloodbowl lizardman team, I can only bang my head on the table screaming Why why why GW!? Why can't we just get...
Considering how GW has been doing tomes lately, I expect some different constallations/spawnings/lodges/clans (whatever the name) to focus the...
I like that with great rememberer you are 100% certain to move 2 units. This makes it more reliable for example to bring up an astrolith to the...
Point changes are done on what is present now, so we might still see a greater change in a new tome, but if that is months of yet, then cheaper...
Troglodons are the new spell portals now, deliver spells through a 140 pt behemoth ;)
Eternity warden at 140 is insanely overpriced and the old blood on foot for 120 with a simply broken warscroll not being touched at all baffles...
These changes alone is still not enough to bring saurus warriors or guards to a worthwhile state, although with skinks at 70 saurus knights at 90...
The core list is fine I think, super summoning focus like this will require a perfect deployment though, as you have nothing but 30 measly skinks...
Also horde bonuses is a huge barrier of play. Moving around groups of 32mm bases is just less fun than more dynamic units and also buying and...
The Carno ability depends on rolling higher than the opponents battleshock dice. The Carno ability is best when you ask your opponent to roll...
A bit of an addition to this ability, how do people play the roar alongside our banners on saurus units? All of them add 1 to the battleshock...