In many ways it looks like a slightly worse thunderquake list. Unfortunately the warriors are no good, especially in 10 man units, so getting rid...
As both a Seraphon and Ironjawz player I would love the preview to be an udpate to any of those old outdated books, but I really fear it will be...
If they are always a take with solar engines, no reason to magnetize right :p Got 2 magnetized myself but it hardly matters with the current...
Did he run flamethrowers on the stegadon? I have had quite a bit of luck with that lately vs skaven, DoK etc.
Most Seraphon units are relatively weak fighters by themselves, both variants of carnosaur suffers from this as well. If you only bring 1 I think...
Know how you feel, excluding armies for new systems like this feels so bad, GW likes to sometimes just leave 1/3 of their factions out in the...
Could be simple enough, battalion could be something like: Trog 3-5 unit combination of razors/salamanders or Kroxigors Ability 1: Drawn to...
For all around play so far I enjoy the thunderquake the most and can make that work from 1500 pts and up (if you play with 2000-500 otherwise it...
Has this rumour engine been identified yet? "we’ve scaled new heights of secrecy in bringing you this one…"...
In secret releasing more demons constantly is actually the great plan for GW to puff seraphon, as the more players playing demons, the better our...
I think the Trog might have a place alongside Stegadons equipped with sunfire throwers perhaps. Stegadons with rerolls 1s to hit (with their own...
Yea please no more horde bonuses. Horde bonuses is what I dislike the most about any AoS warscroll and huge blobs taking up half the board is...
Looking at what you own right now, the Slann seems to be sort of wasted if you can't summon anything. As mentioned an Astrolith bearer, while...
The scar vet on carno does work better with the sword of judgement, but that "quality" is done better and cheaper by many others, especially with...
I recently started a Seraphon army, getting quite a large force, including all saurus hero variants, a lot of guards, warriors and knights. I...