They are not any, they use a storm of magic allocation. The only lizardmen list i have seen them added as a normal option is the army project one...
I am going to a mini home tourney on the 21st and struggling with list building. So far i am aware i could potentially be playing. WOC - end...
Sadly not GW dont really tell the store managers anything leak wise that isnt already out there. All that is is hooking a fish to keep up...
Further solidifies my opinion in spikey bits. 2nd rummour mill picture is clearly a chest harness you can see both nipples And 3rd one looks...
Sadly spikey bits rumours are about as useful as getting inside info from that random guy selling stuff at the pub. They are always just rehashed...
So the entire model will be this blue shortly. However it looks drybrushed if that makes sense. Would a lightblue glaze help this?
Took the plunge and changed to full blue (thank god for airbrush thinner when painting) Still need a second colour, what about purple?
Currently struggling with a paint scheme for my dread, i started with the idea of a green blue scheme like a iguana however as you can see the...
Gw need to makw sarus with crossbows now
Does anyone know what size squad base i would need for a dread? I have invested in on and looming at getting a 3d printed square base.
SCE lizard mounts
Looking to get back into 8th edition (partially due to the dissapointment of no new seraphon) I have took the plunge and started switching back...
Yes i do realise kickstarter saves you money, however its more a personal thing and the same reason i never pre order anything. I'm lucky enough...
I am really looking forward to the normal release of these guys, sadly kickstarter is to far away from shipping for me to invest now as the money...
Well i have been saving money for a seraphon release, might go spend it somewhere other than GW.
Probablu that like free people we will no longer be fully supported
GW keeps breaking my heart. Why dont you love dinos
I'm very upset to notice that the scales look very similar to the stormcast lizard/cows/bears...
Looks like scales on a cloak more than a model.
Its just how battlescribe handles it Its 20 skinks and 10 skinks so 1 drop with nothing outside the starhost.