but youd cast fireball from different wizards not same model using spell, for example there is no way to cast Bears anger on a model twice in a...
i am wanting to convert a BSB for my army, but im still unsure as what time to make, skink saurus slann, what are you view on the pros and...
just one question, when the skink priest was shot of the steg were all the crew dead, cause (tell me if im wrong) i sure it say that he can be...
there splitt down in to 4 groups of 5 all with a slightly different skin tone. when ive started painting them proberly tonight i will post the...
First two pictures, a general idea what the unit will look like size wise [attach] and i quick test model for the colour scheme, this guy will...
the JSWOD no longer works :( due to the fact that it can be dispelled easily and im sure a model cannot be effected by a spell twice in a turn,...
knoblar armies are great :D all that sharp stuff :p be more fun if they were skirmishers, and peasent empire army is pretty bad, archers and...
well ive got over 3000 points of lizardmen of witch a massive 2 units are painted, so im going to set up this Project log to set task and...
i love the standard bearer model, its adds some much needed comedy into the lizardmen range, plus, you should of relised it that big to smack...
you see i still rate a slann over a high elf mage, one thing my slann can hide in the middle of a unit and still cast magic, is t4 and has a ward...
[attach] these are a WIP but thats what dark grey skin looks like on lizardmen, the in brown in the skin as well to make it more realistic, the...
i theme my army around the lustria swamps with swampy bases on all my models and my jungle swarms are mixes of skinks and snakes just breaking the...
bretionian peasent army :D longbows can get flaming attacks, stakes stop charge bonus, please don't actually do this, this army dies Very easily,
warmachine - khador army secrets of the third reik - english para army bloodbowl: the slipper tails skaven team :D bfg: 2k adept...
with the bloodthirster 1. Run away 2. Run away 3. if above points fail, a slann with lore of metal will rip it apart :D not failed me yet (make...
Washes = subtal shading all over, tends to pool like inks in the corners, good for darking or adding a bit of tone, inks = alot sharper and the...
how can you not love a 10 man skirmisher unit that can dire 20 shots if it want to, i get alot of lucky posion roles though so i might be a bit...
i only every take my S/priest like this when on foot skink priest Lv2 2x dispell then againt i use my skink priest on foot as kamikazi wizards
you see i have the oposite luck , i have never lost a battle with my old blood on carny and ive only lost him on one occasion(killing blowed of...
i played a game against DoC and WoC 4 2k armies, in my 2k army i had, slann - 4 dice -plus 1 extra when casting EOTG - 3 dice SP - 2 dice SP...