steg saurus list = unfair list steg skink list = balances, basically make sure your dino are making up for somthing your missing in the army,...
hornet sword, maiming shield and the 5+ ward if on carny as the BOR combo is to expnsive on a carny for my liking 1 magic item 3/4 of your magic...
i have only ever had my cold ones fail stupidty ONCE in all the years ive used them, and to be honest so M7 isnt the best, but there heavy cav,...
ive started replacing my poles with thin brass rod with the top part on, this means all it does is bend, does have less detail though
i had a game using a 14 strong unit lead by a scar vet with hornet blade killed 2 blocks of WOC with only 1 casulty in return and and then spent...
the fact they are a magic item puts me off unless it is a skink priest then i would take one, :D m8 March 16 :D
see terror on a slan does have a use just not with TG in 2k games i leave my slann solo terror immune to mundane weapons regen :D not died yet :D
the answer to this question is simple, ARE THEY A MISSILE WEAPON the answer NO meaning that the shooting rules for missile weapons don't apply...
i have to apologise in this thread, after seeing the colour scheme i have started re-painting my models in a slight variation from it, i could...
sorry i completly miss read the names :p
well thats a bit broken seen as a game needs to be 2000 points to field Lords ;) but to be honest having kroq-gar is proberly best way of dealing...
question is the carny still Blood frenzy or is it know just frenzy cause if it blood frenzy whitch was seperate frmo frenzy in the old book that...
isnt the pendant on foot only? just a thought, not at home so dont have book
this is my 1500 point instore tourney list the main thing i will be dealing with are choas/ beast armies so magic wasnt somthing i was concerned...
the steam tank can only be hurt by magic with a given strenght value aka magic missiles :D
steam tanks = Nasty chariot is like a fly to them, but easy way to beat one in a 2k game is blade of realities, magic is almost useless againt...
i mean overlooked compared to other cav, i mean at 35 points a model for a 2+ save strength 5/4 t4 stupidity and hvy cav mov the main reason im...
what are you view on one of the most overlooked units in the lizardmen army book?
hes pretty good espically as a hero, i used him, and he got charged by a bret lance formation, the bret player cried when he relised his was...
alot of gw prices rise arnt justified in any method, in the space of a year i watched the slann prices go from £15 - £18 - £20, thats no...