reading the book, technically he can as it states any 2 crew can not use there weapons to fire the bolt thrower the problem is if 2 crew are...
engine of the gods is your best friend, 2d6 strenght 5 hits against undead that CANNOT be DISPELLED and ask yourself, who would win, a skink...
i personally alway take a oldblood on carny purley for the effect it has on my oponent. i general find use my hero slotts for magic espically with...
why would you want skinks and krox together? it makes the krox weaker, sure we get a all important rank bonus, but the enemy has picked of the...
theres not god of death for lizardmen, its kind of against what they believe, but sotek does get alot of sarcrifices. death really isnt a...
i use a browny grey and green colour scheme, pic when im not at work
i like the idea of the conversion, but it still needs a bit of work, the arm that is down seems to weedy compared to other but that could just be...
yes they will cause lizardmen trouble i have the deamon codex in front of me and its the dirtiest army i have ever seen
kill a wight king in turn 3 with a skink chief then poping his vampire lord in the next round of combat i love the dagger of sotek :D
scar vet maiming shield light armour bmosotek cotjw 6 attacks at strength 5 on charge 159 points
yep ive played against list using vargulfs, but not the m9 vampire in smaller games as it is a waste of points unless you play 2k games, a VC...
i like the list, i play a very heavy skink list at 1k and you find the 6 inch move, skirmisher, posioned attacks(2 if you have blow piped) makes...
now proberly alot of people see this as cowardly but i find the best use for the mark is moving away from enemy units your saurus cant handle, i...
hello, must say its suprising to see a lizardmen site that actually is of any quality on the web most people just want to complain about them...
5 of the regs at my store use VC armies, ive found the best way to deal with them is skinks, i use 1 skink chief 2 skink priest 10 skinks blow...
id drop the greatswords and up your units of handgunners with 2 hochlands instead, greatswords arnt worth it in smaller gamers, were as 2 sniper...
i like the idea of a skink chief with mark of sotek and dagger of soteck 4 attack on charge with killing blow