Yeah thats a very cool model for sure!
For the majority of monsters, use mass skink shooting to bring them down with poison. Second option is buff/hex heavily in combat to try to beat...
In an artificial environment where you just look at statistics and what 1 unit can do vs another, yeah you will almost always find that the...
Nice looking wheels! Good work. Are gobbo chariots allowed to be in units now?
Yeah I prefer the orange as well. Pretty nice colours, the purple could use a drybrush/highlight and a bit of wash though to make the scales stand...
Yes indeed. That place is sadly mostly dead now and I don't have time to try to get it going strong again, but it still gets the odd poster around...
Thats because you have to use [pic] not [img]. We disabled the img tags by restricting their size to 1 pixel, but the pic tag works exactly the...
Nice! That chariot looks awesome! I know what you mean about it being a pain to attach it to the beast nicely... I am making giant bear chariots...
Washes naturall shade and darken base colours so I would say there is a very strong chance it is darker than blazing orange...
Re: Any hints on when Forge World will release more MA Monst I've not heard of it before, but that description makes me want a model of it ASAP...
Colour choice is good I think. I would probably go with either red or yellow for the crest. Red to give that bright lizard look, yellow to fit the...
Very cool looking Slann, Moniker! The face looks awesome! And good dedication on all those skinks, Arli. :)
No need to be sarcastic back but, yes, it is quite clear in the main rulebook that the extra rank of spears fighting will only get 1 attack each...
I missed this before... Really? I know it can be dangerous to compare units from one book to another, however... A base Slann is only 15 points...
Yep, the Slann is definitely very powerful for the points he costs. Best mage in the game, and only a little more expensive than a lot of other...
Makes sense... GW wants to be "The Hobby" all on its own, they will have a prescribed way of painting and they will make it relatively simple to...
Thats right, a skrox unit is all core. Krox on their own are special.
Different colour on the edge to start - brown or grey maybe. For the top, it might be that its just the angle if you are asking what needs to be...
Thats one bad-ass tortoise! Definitely slow to fire though. ;)
It does look pretty cool the idea of having 3 goblins riding a giant wolf. I'm not sure if I buy that wolf dealing impact hits though. You maybe...