Well this is a little off topic for this thread, but essentially what I found was I could drop a dwellers every 2-3 turns and essentially nullify...
Wow yeah the new one really is very yellow. Thanks for the comparison photos! It looks like you've come up with a pretty close match to devlan mud.
It looks pretty good, nice work! The base looks like it needs finishing, but the rest is cool. I agree that the clam packs are pretty nice, GW...
Pretty cool looking model! Nice work.
Very cool looking old blood, and great choice of colours!
I usually drop my TG and two units of saurus first off. They are the hard centre of my line which the rest of the army builds around, and their...
You are comparing them to saurus - which are anvils. Very tough, solid, line infantry that will march up the middle of the field and happily face...
I bought some phosphorescent (glow in the dark) paint a few years ago with the intention of painting it in tyranid eyes so when the lights went...
I didn't suggest them because as well as having terrible models, they are pretty crappy in the rules at the moment as well so they really need a...
Agree - that would be a very cool model! And without reading the article... Speculation doesn't mean a lot. I'm a scientist, I can speculate all...
In my gaming group, we don't use spell 6 in the 8 lores because most of them are broken so none of those options will work... And yeah you are...
I fought a stank for the first time the other day... Really really hard to bring down. 10 wounds, T6, 1+ armour save, completel unbreakable... I...
They ALWAYS have massive FAQs. It because the writers put so much effort into making them characterful; almost every single choice in the army has...
Not really sure of all the parts of an airbrush.. What is holding it in place? You could grip it with a pair of pliers and use more force? If it...
All this. In an all ropund army, salamanders are far superior choices. Razordons are good against Ogres.
Apparently the empire book doesn't even have 1 arcane item of its own. Sad to see so many of the unique items from army books getting removed in...
Vampire Counts are also now 8th ed. LM were done fairly late in 7th, so they will probably be a long time before they get a new book. And given...
Good read, well done! I'll add a couple of thoughts since I have been a HE general for a long time. Silver helms are a pretty useless option now...
Do a search for wappellious posts. You will find loads of amazing LM models and conversions. ;)
Yikes that doesn't sound good. Be careful; if you have uncured paint sitting underneath it could be prone to chipping and peeling away large...