Yeah vallejo have washes as well as inks. I only have one of the washes to judge, but I found that you really need to shake it well before using...
Re: Orange Lizards-Update 1 Wow, amazing looking krox! Thats pretty much exactly what I want the scales on mine to look like.
Some pretty impressive models in there I have to admit! And I'm not an empire fan, my excitement for this release was it means its closer to the...
The downside is it costs a lot of points so there isn't much allowance for other stuff, and you need a combat old blood to use the weapon which is...
I think the competition was going all of april, so end of april. I'm in with my WoC BSB. Keen to get some paint on him!
Yeah overall swarms are about the worst choice in our army. They are really no good at all. Sure they can be made effective with spell combos, but...
There have been a couple of threads on this recently, so have a bit of a search around and see if you can find them. In summary, there isn't...
Very nice looking army! I'll keep an eye on this blog. I'll be interested to see more of the army based as well.
Ahh thats the first reasoning for the name changes I have read, thanks for that. Makes sense I guess. Its not uncommon for GW to introduce...
Doesn't really interest me. I'm not sure why they decided to change names that have been around for 20 odd years, its just going to confuse me....
Yeah that one. I can't really comment on the validity of it since I don't know the original poster, but from all the rumblings I am confident at...
Yep it can only shoot in the front arc.
Rumours keep persisting that DoW will be back in some form. Either a GW campaign or via Forgeworld. There is a rumour thread on Warseer right now...
Additionally, there is simply no reason to change or FAQ it. It doesn't break the rules, the rules are very clear in what you can use now, what...
To prove your point, look up the skink chief page in the army book where it specifically mentions they may join terradon units as an exception to...
Re: New Painting Comp - April 2012 Conversions are always fine! Anything painted. I just noticed that my Chaos BSB is exactly 200 points. He...
Alright I've been getting pretty distracted working on my WoC lately, even managed to derail this thread with them! Back to the dragon though......
Re: New Painting Comp - April 2012 I'd give either a go even though my track record for finishing on time is not that great, I have been doing a...
Re: Next AOW lizardman I have to agree that this model is looking really cool! I think I will buy it when it is available too even though my army...
Wow a Cygor sized Lizardman? I really want to see that! Get it started and post photos, kissthehurricane! :P