As regards to your poll, At first, when I saw the coin I was definitely voting for this one. The intricate detail is too cool to pass up! ... BUT...
Update on the list. So I went with @Schwaaah 's suggestion. I was up against my friend the took this SCE list. [ATTACH] Arcane Bolt was the...
I had forgotten about high rend. Thanks for reminding me. My plan was to put in a Slann for the 750-1000. Great advice! Thanks for...
Hey everyone, I was wondering what your thoughts on a 500 pt list for a slow grow campaign would be. 250 pts added every two weeks (two-four games...
From The Measurements for the 3D printed one are: 16in from head to tail 6.5 for the tallest part. In this case its the neck/headpiece. 4.5in...
Updated with some WIP pics and links for Dread Saurian, Slann, and Razordon. Not to mention sharing a warcry mat!
I posed the razordon model I had suggested before. It now fits the base better and fits the aesthetic a bit more....
When first investigating your lists, your style has been very helpful! Everything is portioned in clear sections which I love. You've made it very...
This is the 10th Post! Woo made it. Again sorry if this got annoying but with this hopefully all-encompassing thread of my things I can stay...
Reserved for Other Hobby musings. Think DIY foam inserts or other carrying cases, maybe 3D organizers/model holders.
Reserved for other Army musings. This will include some other AoS lists and 40k Tyranids as I like all things Dinosaur...
Reserved for Fluff? Art, mini-stories of characters, and or my particular 'Broods' lore.
Reserved for Battle Reports. Interested in practicing doing some write-ups. Curious as to what you all think is a good template or example of a...
Reserved for Army list! (plan on including photoshoots with each army list I think this will be fun!)
Reserved for Terrain (Probably my favorite aspect of the hobby so I hope this will be a good one!) A friend and I are into WarCry a lot. The GW...
Reserved for Modeling Transitions ie Model selection, edits, and print progression Slann WIP Counts As: [spoiler] Dread Saurian Counts As:...
Reserved For Overall Army Photos of Seraphon!
Hi all! I am wanting to start a hobby blog. 0 clue how regularly I will update this but I want to share some progress with others (besides my one...
Hey everyone, I was wondering what the preferred template to share a list is? I wanted to share some/suggest to others, however, I have a thing...
I would suggest looking at this post: Why...