Yep. As I said - Lore of Lustria is thematic but not very useful. Except... With Wondering Deliberations. If you think that some spell will be not...
The problem is that if it is so - then carno's multiple wounds against "monsters" would also work only against a monster, but not against a let's...
Apotheosis is not bad, but... The target could be only cav or infantry characters. Not sure about characters on monsters =/ And our monsters...
Just an idea - change 3d carno to a cowboy with a Horned One + lance + charmed shield, and give him an armour reroll. As a result - 2+ , +2 str on...
WD is for tournaments - when you have random opponents with very different armies. I need to double-check, but as far as I remember - all...
This, and the Stupidity rule - that can't use Genertal's Ld. As a result - Cold Ones are not reliable or even useful. Monsters will be our meta....
Yep, no more armour for mount, only for armoured hide rule (no luck for carno). But if i'm correct - as mount is now basically a buff of +1w +1t...
The giant bow is our _only_ long rage artillery, but can't be taken outside the stegadon. And I do not remember using stegadons at all in...
Unpopular opinion: 2x Carnosaur are better than Slann + TG (if you are fighting an army w/o cannons or you can shut them down fast with...
Depends on a tactics/block size. Init 1 basically means that we always act last. So, not all saurus warriors will survive to fight back. So, if...
...and temple guards initiative became 1 (it was 2), so the crystal of a Solar Engine - that gives 1 I to nearest units - became even more...
And there are lots of things that I probably forgot, but... I'm not sure. For example, stegadon's Engine of the Gods - now you need 2+ of them in...
good: -TG are now core units -carnosaurus is not a separate unit that could be killed, but just gives bonuses to its master (still I'm not sure -...
Have no fear - Kroq-Gar is here! [MEDIA]
Fencers swords are pair weapon, so no shield. There can't be two same magic items, so no Talisman on High Priest (and no need in fact). Mithril...
Army lists: SA: General: Saurian Warlord: Divine Icon, Halberd, Dusk Stone, Gliitering Scales, Raptor Skink High Priest: 3lvl, Dispell Scroll,...
Check ETC2015 lists, dual slann or kroak + slang lists, so he is OK . In your current list I don't like bastiladon, and imo gw > helberds
As far as I understood, caimans will have his WS4 (if you will give him WS10 swords - he will give other caimans only his WS4), and also can be a...
Yes, he is little bit more expensive, that it should be, but he is ok. He is just a support character - other caimans will use his WS, place...
Salamanders are good vs low AS/T infantry (elves, skaven, etc). Razordons are just shooters with BS3 S4. So...