Y, no need in Coatl now. Skink lvl3 is enough for me. Still.. "We were one of the best performing armies". Seriously? =) Check championships....
I did not want to create a new thread, so I'l just put my few cents here. v0.11 is out, so what we have now? Pros: Alpha Carnosaur now have...
Absolutely agree! Humans have really good cav, much better then our (due to my exp), lot of types. In fact - we used our cav only as a bus for...
Our main infantry - Sauruses of all kind. Ofc we have skinks, and dwarfs also have copters. But still we and dwarfs - have worst movement in the...
But that does not make our heroes better in fact. Disciplines are just a balancing tool, that can be changed with points or stats of any unit. As...
Looks like it's problem of LM (SA) concept. We can't win movement phase - our unit are too slow. We can't win shooting phase - no artillery at...
may be I am mistaken, but ...no. Saurian lord have WS6 and S5. With standard great weapon (or magic weapon) it's S7, and any lord choice in any...
...just finished painting dread saurian. any chance that this beast will be in 9 age? Add: Someone already made BattleScribe files? ADD: ok. so...
Well... All this looks very interesting, still I missed one thing - what synergy do we have?
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-CDH7Zxu7WUcXB0LXFuQ3VwUGs/view?usp=sharing Here you go ) PS Oh, it's KheLndros 1st screen but in PDF
Thanks for the replies. I'm in the Petersham and will be there at least for few months. And looks like I will stay in Australia for longer time.
I'm moving to Australia, to Sydney in two weeks. So... Any WH:FB friendly clubs there?
Well... There is no option "I paused FB until 9th BRB will be released". AoS is like a beta version of a some game, and it's too unfinished to be...
WS and ability to take some low points flag.
Imo you guys don't get the simple point. GW have an absolutely winning game, with huge money drawback. Major wargame in fantasy settings with an...
Same for me. Well, I had a lot of time to think about all that happened to LM and to WH:FB. If we will take as fact, that GW are remastering all...
Slanns feels sad about all this crap. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/317/5/a/mage_priest_by_jaspersandner-d5kxb3t.jpg
Wow, that's interesting. I always thought, that Stagadon is much better, but to be honest - it showed really mediocre results in game (still...