Very nicely done! It would be awesome seeing some goblin hidding under that tree trunk.
I Like more of the blue skinks and saurus warriors. Although the greens are good as well. However you started with painting the skink blue, I...
That is an awesome model! Nicely painted.
Thanks Bracnos. That really usefull
Thank you Bracnos and Bowser! I normally do the same. Put some glue on, put a lot of grass on top of it and see what sticks. and then blow it in...
I think I have a lot to improve for basing. Does anyone have some tips?
Here is my red themed Old Blood, ready to be the general: [ATTACH] :
After long waiting for the head to be glued on. I finished the model. Here are the pictures: [ATTACH] And the close ups: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Haha, true. However it is easier to paint the model. ;)
This is the results of some highlighting and gold. with another shade for more shining effect. It's head still needs a wash of agrax earthshade...
At the moment I am working on a unit of skinks with javelins and hand weapon and a old blood. I have 10 skins ready for a wash with drakenhof...
I have not that much of a succes with a fine line pen, it needs to dry a very long time. So I use a brush. I have a steady hand so that helps. But...
Lawrot is right. The feet are on the throne. Yours has ghost feet! Here's a picture of a similar model:
Welcome! Your dudes look very nice! I like the carnosaur with the blood and gore. Nice color schemes!
Here is my scar veteran with BSB: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I am seeing some very beautifull painted skink priests! Here is mine from the stegadon's kit. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thank you all! If there are tips than they are welcome. I am still learning and experimenting with painting. Just as with these skink...
I noticed some time ago that my photocamera wasn't making beter photo's than my phone's camera. So it was time to buy a new camera. So now finally...
Next up were the saurus warriors. It took me a long time to finish them. [ATTACH] I finished them only just in January. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I...
I really like the conversion of the baby trogledon. Can't wait to see it painted!