Alright. I definitely see a trend in the responses (Thanks to twistedmagpie for adding in). A slann (Depending on how things go), should be added....
Once again, GLORIOUS! I do really like the idea of a great weapon or lance/halberd option. But honestly i would buy this beast with or without...
Even though the rules for Sacred Spawnings are no longer used in 8th Edition, I still paint my Saurus Units with the colors of their patron Old...
Yeah, for a single unit with only 2 WS, 2 T & 1 W... not worth it in my opinion, but again, I'm planning to use it as a stand-Alone, fast cavalry,...
True, I was looking for the Dogs of War version, but this info from The Sauric Ace still helps me narrow down a good set of stats for a custom...
These. Are. All. Freaking. Glorious! I may have missed it, but what model did you use for the "Horned One" the Chief of the Fire Feather Tribe...
last time I tried to torrent a PDF army book, I got all kinds of fun Malware on my computer... I'm no good at this "Being smart about where to...
My bad, I kinda' just jumped in with both feet here. Answering polls and commenting on long dead threads all willy-nilly. Just glad to be back...
Hey, I have an old Skink-hero on cold (or horned) one model collecting dust in my collection, I think it was originally from the Dogs of War set...
Proxys. Got it. I can do that I suppose
I have no Chameleons, of Flyers... *Sheds a single tear*
On a somewhat related note... How bad does the Stupidity special rule muck things up for the Cold ones? I am apprehensive about fielding my 10...
Honestly, as someone returning to Warhammer after a decade long hiatus, I was not even sure what Skrox were referring to in this discussion......
Thanks airjamy! Honestly I was avoiding the Slann for this round because during my last game I used one... and things went bad real fast....
figured as much, but a guy can always hope.
Running way behind the curve here, but as a new member.... Is this beauty still around? I would put serious consideration into making it mine, if...
Fair enough, that one is my bad for sure.... Major props to the creator though. Still a really cool project, and i would proudly field one of them...
Yeah... Still I appreciate the advice.
My thoughts exactly... There are some custom works out there that make a fairly cool "Thunder Lizard" models/ Prototypes like this guys:[img] Not...
Thank Haunchi! What a cool model, hopefully we will see these beasts in the near future.