The old school Kroq-gar carnosaur model is awesome, but very expensive these days :(...
"Dud," in this context, means a bad spell that adds little or no value.
I don't think it's possible to take 2 slann in any size army, they are just a 0-1 choice regardless of point limit :(
It means Armour of Ages, Talisman of Protection, Great Weapon or sometimes Sword of Might, which is how I usually see him kitted out. Some people...
You have a higher chance of beating him if he has bedazzling helm. The Armour of Ages is a better defensive item, as well as being cheaper and...
With the Ogre Blade and a Talisman of protection, odds are about 4:3 that an old blood on carno beats a Tomb King on Necrolith Dragon (with the...
Ogre blade and talisman of protection.
Quick tournament report - we had a 1000pt local tourney today. ~20 people came. I came in 2nd. My 1000 point list was an oldblood on carno, an...
Those are artillery weapons, so not the best comparisons. Whereas the Stegadon and the Scourgerunner are both chariots with weapons on their...
The Dark Elf scourgerunner chariot has a similar weapon/crew situation, but has a note that says one of the crew may fire the weapon instead of...
Every single person I've ever met has agreed that "counts as heavy armor" means "counts as heavy armor for rules purposes." Honestly, what else...
The dragon killing effect only happens on a to-wound roll of a 6. But yes, if you get 3 hits you're close to 50/50 to land a killing blow...
? Dispel Scroll says "Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting a Wizardly dispel." Champions aren't wizards and can't use them,...
In exploring my rules question above, I found another Oldblood build that competes with the 2 big ones. And actually, I think it's probably...
Rules question, please halp: If I make a character with both the Berserk Blade (Special Rules: Frenzy) and the Burning Blade (Special Rules:...
I wouldn't count on the poison long-term, that is probably going to get errata'd / FAQ'd. But for sure, enjoy it while it lasts!
If you like the Slann, I say continue running it, and I honestly wish for maximal success for all of my cold-blooded relatives. With that said,...
I don't run a slann either, my points all go to giant dinos.
20.943 - Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur - Great Weapon, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Talisman of Protection
Oldblood weapon comparison, according to my spreadsheet: 28.308 - Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur - Ogre Blade, Shield, Talisman of Protection...