The ethereal battle-slann (ethereal + dragonbane gem + BSB + war banner) is one of the 'hardest' / most competitive choices available in our list....
I feel like a broken record at this point, but... If you don't put the Slann in with the temple guard, you won't have this problem. :P You also...
Re: Sleb & Phats Polarswap - The Stegadon Stampede Impact hits from a regular stegadon (with sharepend horns) average 4.5 * (4/6) * (2/6) * 2 = 2...
Actually, TG are quite point-cost competitive with other armies, and even match up well against other elites (at least mathematically). Put them...
This thread touches something of a sore spot of mine... I think the fun part of this hobby is trying come up with the most efficient, effective...
It's hard to tell from the rendering vs. the actual picture, but based on the rendering it looks to me like the saurus might be able to bypass the...
The following are the only real solutions to a properly kitted nurgle demon prince we possess: - Oldblood w/dawnstone, great weapon, armor of...
The correct answer is: spears and hand weapons are better against different types of things. Squishy thing you can easily wound = spears are...
That's actually a pretty good list. It will fair well against even fairly competitive WoC lists. The only thing you can't really beat is a horde...
If they have shields instead of halberds, the Rippers have the potential to do fairly well. If they have extra hand weapons or halberds, however,...
Give the Slann the War Banner for ultimate awesomeness. Between Ethereal and a 2+ ward against fire, he's already very hard to kill. Giving him...
Sorrowquin offers solid advice. My only comment is I'm not as big a proponent of Soul of Stone, but to each his own.
Could you be more specific? Which units in particular are giving you trouble? There are a lot of ways to kit out Chaos Warriors, for example....
Re: Questions from a noob: Part 5 - new questions 1) I think he just mixed up the disruption rule. 2) They can stand and shoot. 3) You use true...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it For me, by far the most disappointing existing models are the saurus cavalry (especially the lords on cold...
That is extremely unclear, unfortunately. Many people argue that the Krox "count" as ranks 2 and 3, so switching to horde formation allows rank 3...
Yes, and the Spirit Leech FAQ says the opposite. This is why I brought it up.
I don't think this deployment is legal. If you take 4 krox, according to the spawn-kin rule, you must deploy them all in the second rank and then...
It's not percieved vagueness; the rules explicitly state that models making supporting attacks can only ever make 1 attack, even if they have a...
I agree it SHOULD work that way...but it is not at all clear that it does.