A few pictures of my dragonewts in action at one of our game nights [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Bringing a Slann back is less convenient, it requires an Engine of the Gods. However we have clearly answered the rules question and I think we...
The thing is that my Seraphon just come back again, they can be reborn any number of times. For an army made out of magical beings it makes sense...
It is very much a matter of taste. Outside of one flawed scenario in GHB17 it is usually quite hard to table your opponent yet lose on objectives....
The battle for Thermopylae was a tactical and strategic victory for the Persians but far from a decisive one. Under cover of the rearguard the...
It does not have the "this counts as your movement" wording so there is really no basis for anyone to claim that it counts as moving. I daresay...
I think of it like this: If I want to wipe out a key enemy unit - take Rippers If I want to snipe out a support hero - take Chameleon Skinks The...
1. Yes they are rather caught between being a source of volume attacks or fishing for mortal wounds but not being really specialised at either. 2....
I still seem to pick up on a lot of negativity about Saurus Knights yet I think the GHB 2017 did a lot to make them much more internally balanced...
I have a Queztocoatl at http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/the-dragonewts-dream.18482/ - I daresay there are probably better. Slim chance of...
The tournament scene are currently treating the last FAQ as meaning that the Blot Toad can only be deployed at all if the Ripperdactyls are on the...
I like the look of that. I have not tried the vortex push with a Carno and Knights, although if you stack the Knights into double ranks I don't...
I asked on their Facebook page. I suggest everyone does so - the more often they are asked the more likely the rules team are to notice and FAQ it.
This trick works even better than you say - because the base of the Balewind vortex is twice the size of the 50mm base on the Slann. That pushes...
We all love you! ;-)
That is a really interesting set of missions in terms of list building at a low points level. I am going to assume basic GHB2017 with slight...
Pretty sure it works. The Astrolith Bearer cannot move in the movement phase after teleporting (usually) and also cannot move after planting the...
Chameleon skinks only gain the re-roll 1's from this battalion. That is not nothing but I think you would be losing out having spent 170 points...
The Firelance is all about being able to pull off that difficult charge - which works very well with Lords of Space and Time. With a Curse of...
Looking over the GHB17 and my model collection I have been toying with the idea of switching things around so that instead of my Rippers going in...