If Lord of Time and Space is the core allegiance ability for Seraphon then I would expect it to be one of the main reasons you would choose to...
Well lizards appearing out of nowhere is very much core to the Seraphon vibe and it is missing from Matched Play right now due to the way...
You say that as if it is a bad thing - dumping a Carnosaur in someone's face looks like a thing of beauty to me :) More than slightly concerned...
If Dan Heelan is to be believed that was not their motivation at all. The troubles with TK had them on the planned ban list for SCGT until the...
I really want massed skinks to be good but whenever I think too hard about it I always come to the conclusion that chameleon skinks just do the...
Archaon on a horse seems odd, presumably just taken because it is the cheapest way to troll that Slayer of Kings power with the Fate Dice? I...
Their deployment is so flexible that there must be 100 uses for them, all of them highly situational :) For example: Problem - you want your...
13% is good enough to make any opponent sweat! ...and the rest of the time you should be able to get the 6-9 result for some extra mortal wound...
So the Bastilodon will more reliably add to the turn 1 carnage against a castled up opponent. The EotG has a small chance[1] to pretty much...
Kroak without a Balewind Vortex seems a lot less of a threat - the second list does not look like it has enough of a summoning pool for one.
I tried out a couple of units with spitters and clubs today. Turn 2 I got them stuck into combat to prevent the Khorne forces piling everything in...
I like your style sir! Did he get you on the podcast? I will really look forward to it if he did.
Following up from Darren's excellent showing at SCGT and the fact that he did it with a non-filthy Seraphon list I thought it might be fun so see...
An insurance policy you turned out not to need then. Thanks for the info and well done on going so close with a list of your own devising. Well...
I would love to know the thinking behind that Eternity Warden. Once Kroak is up on the Balewind Vortex he will always be out of range for dumping...
So far as I know you have to be subscribed to watch back after the live stream has finished.
Rob was saying on the commentary that the list was using the Rippers to force opponents to castle up and then using Kroak to punch holes in their...
Thanks for all the positive feedback!
I can try this, which shows up that I have not finished all the touching up and accessorizing before I seal it with varnish. Also I realise that...
Progress may be slow but it is finally moving forwards again. I really struggled to scale up my approach to a Carnosaur scale so I had to start...