Nope, the Mortal Realms coalesced into being from the remnants of the World That Was. As you said you didn't follow AoS lore, this little video...
Skaven Pestilens, by Josh Reynolds, we actually get a Slann PoV section: So the Slann can remember every Seraphon under their command....
Presumably you've read the Malign Portents story So according to that, Seraphon are flesh and blood,...
Check out Clan Pestilins by Josh Reynolds. It has quite a bit of Seraphon content, including PoVs from a Starpriest, Sunblood, Old Blood and Slann.
But that's exactly the same for any army in AoS. Even Stormcast, the most supported faction, have to at the minimum have the same three sources.
And just like Space Marines, SE sell quite well, so I don't expect them to stop producing stuff for them either. And that may be ticket to an...
I've been playing Orks in 40K since 2007. And during that period of time I saw a huge number of new models come out. The interesting thing is that...
But 2.0 also massively buffed Slaan by making them all but essential to power-lists with summoning, and also did likewise for Astrolith Bearers,...
At a guess, it's because GW considered the old bluffing game to be not in line with how they're writing rules these days. It does bear a...
Yeah it doesn't come through much on the final product. You tend to see it a little bit between the scales. It was a highly experimental paint...
Yeah I've posted them a few other places before. Sure! Paint the scales Dryad bark, then drybrush skavenblight dinge, Wash with nuln oil, then...
Spells like that are exactly why you'll find every competitive list will have Allegiance: Hysh, purely for access to a single artifact, the Lens...
So took the list for it's first game today. Game was Starstrike and I got first turn thanks to my Battalion speeding up deployment. The battle...
That's the Oldblood on foot. The Oldblood on Carnosaur is the one who gives out +2 bonus attacks to all Heroes within 20". Use his Command Ability...
Love your work mate, great stuff! One question though, you said that the Battalions were in there, but I can't seem to find them. Are they in a...
Only got my Knights and Carnosaur finished currently. My rate of progress on them has been... slow to say the least. After 11 years of painting...
The Trog would probably be the first thing I'd drop, and it would almost certainly be for 4 Razordons/Salamanders just as you said, since one...
Ever since I got into AoS about a year ago I've been playing without a Slann; I don't even own one as a matter of fact. That's mainly due to the...
The great thing about AoS's background is that it's flexible enough to allow just about anything. Just like all Stormcast are from Azyr, you can...
On the flipside, kickstarters tend to open big, then trail off pretty quickly too. The models look great, but the prices are high. I'd love to...