I would roll basty with the Ark of sotek. It has the potential for 24 mortal wounds per turn. As it activates per combat phase. Keep it close to...
Personally would swap out the scar-vet for a Sunblood. As he has a command ability you can use for your knights so they do more reliable damage. I...
i roll that. the warden really helps the guard with the extra attack and save. keep him in behind them and roll a basty on the flank for tankyness...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Couple new units and my hand at making a oxyotl as i cannot find one. Gonna try...
I have just found magnets!!!! Added them into two units per box so I can swap out drummers and banner carriers. And to try out on a monster when I...
i have. and currently added orange/yellow face paint to more of my units. Praise the sun
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] more photos and some in battle still trying to make those feathers look better
Hello new to warhammer joined in the AOS and a league for it so going to playing lots i hope. either way ill post my painting of my army here for...