I also like the Totem Of Prophecy. A 20 man block of infantry at the center of my line that causes fear seems really nice.
I only mentioned it because the chameleons have it as well. If it was part of your battle plan, then you'd want it on there. Good waybto get some...
The The C&D was for lore and art. Not rules. WAP still has completely supported rules and army lists available today. If 9th Age is still going...
We are a legacy faction. We won't get a book (at least not anytime soon). The have been emphatic about that. My guess is years, like 2nd Edition...
Yes. Page 204 of the BTB. Covers cavalry mounts and monster mounts. For monsters (which include behemoth) If a character is mounted upon a ridden...
See I'm not convinced the carno is not an intended target. They specifically put it in the cavalry section. Another thing to hit up the FAQ about....