Depends on your use. If the old blood is hunting other heroes, that WS 6 will have you hitting WS 5 heroes on 3s and making them roll uphill.
Dudes I'm all about a bit of magically weaponry on a saurus champ or TG champ for Wolves of the Sea insurance Only thing I will say though, is...
IMO the Ruby Ring of Ruin is far less important than defensive gear on your saurus character. RRoR can be dispelled. A shield and 5+ ward can't...
Yeah. The Skink gimmick is nice for protection from shooting but krox are meant for combat and that's where most of the damage of the game occurs....
Welp went 1-4, but won Favourite Opponent/Best Sportsmanship so that was awesome L- Wood Elves, 7-13 L- Tomb Kings, 9-11 W- Beastmen, 12-8 L-...
This is the problem with comps. Every comp I feel is written with 1 or 2 armies in mind and totally forgets other armies exist that rely on...
I just looked at a triple carno list that was backed up by 3 bastiladon. Went 2W-1L 3/15/15. I wish Bastiladons had 1 more unit Strength for the...
Found another tourny winner 2400/1170/2299 Battlefield 2276, A Warhammer Old World Event Callum Edens === Lizardmen [1996 pts] Warhammer: The Old...
And as a side note, a consistent thing I've noticed in losing lizardmen lists on BCP -cold one riders
Browsing BCP and found this list from an 18 player, 3 round event. Looked interesting. Went 20/20/20 in the event. A Mustering of Arms Robbie...
IMO steg shooting it a bonus. Steg combat is really what you bought it for. If you have to forgo shooting to get the steg stuck in, then forgo it.
I think spears can get better in larger (wider) formations, but the -1AP is just so critical IMO with the amount of 3+ save units out there
Unfortunatly Saurus Warriors can't take magic banners. Just Temple Guard. Otherwise it would live there. The Bastiladon likely will close for the...
Don't have points really to do it with the Skink chief. I am 4 points over the min for core, so can't shed anything there. If I ditch the wargear,...
Minor Tweaks -Dropped Krox Ancient -Dropped Thrusting Spears on Suarus -Added Biting Blade and Charmed Shield to Saurus Champ -Added a 4th skink...
I feel like the only reason the change was made is because the designers didn't like that people weren't taking Temple Guard to protect the slann...
Just be aware, with Dragon Slaying Sword, if they don't have monsters, your combat lord is significantly less effective. Common problem vs Bretts...
Double EotG is the way to the bonus. But for a solo slann. Yeah
Problem is our level 2 directly competes with the old blood as is 0-1 per 1k. So in an average game all you have is 2 of them. And then you can't...
How I would mix it up [SPOILER] Figured with 3 carnos Dragon Slaying Sword was safe on one of them. Then use the points saved to make the scar...