That's right. I forgot it was an error in The Old World Builder that let me do that. Just was messing around but you're right
Even better. As an illusion slann, you can also take shimmering dragon and fly your priest on ancient stegadon around
If tmy If you lose the spears on your Saurus and your skink Champions, you can take the Totem on your TG and the War Banner on your saurus.
Expect lists with level 4 mages casting vortexs to really mess with your play. Your level 2 will rarely stop them.
Only downfall there is I see alot of comp packs with rule of 3 even on core. But worst comes to worst you just have a bigger block of saurus and...
Unless taking them for the rule of cool, Id ditch the chameleon skinks for a unit of skirmishers with javelins, shields and scout or vanguard....
IMO if you can find any of the old start collecting boxes, either thr one with the bastillodon, or the one with the carno, you should not pass them up
If doing nothing else to your slann, I think the 10 points on Soul Stone is always worth it. Means you will only suffer the worst result on a 2,...
Yeah I would drop a unit of skinks and add 4 saurus. Gives them a really nice unit size for effects like fear etc at 1k and at least 3 ranks 5...
Tricksy elveses
And you don't have multiple Skink units. None of this is in isolation. What is good and isn't good needs to always be considered in context of a...
Can we all at least agree the Bow should have the Through&Through rule that bolt throwers have?
HOWDAH applies the split proflies chariots... However note Split profile Chariots is different on page 194 and 203. And the howdah rule refers to...
And a 7 is the average 2d6 roll. Add a power scroll for 20 points to a slann and you really well off. And on top of this Id plan on having...
I personally know a guy who got it off 5 times in a game, which I realize is statistically unlikely, but I don't think it's as hard as you seem to...
I would only consider blowpipes if the steg had a chief with his BS 5. Sure not mostly hitting on a 5+ when you move and do multiple shots at long...
No. It was introduced with the plastic kit. Best I've seen is people taking the leftover bits from the Carno that make a Trog and using them to...
Yes, it is cast before. But I am hexing units that want to be rather aggressive. Especially a dragon. The intent is to hit units that are pressing...
I am getting more excited about illusion. 1- Mind razor. A decent magic missile. Good a targeting chaff, but if you can LD bomb something you can...
If you haven't got the new plastic carno kit yet, and can afford it, I highly recommend that. Its such a wonderful model