Watching Square Based podcast and coverage of a few tournaments, seems like a Level 3 or 4 caster is clutch, if for nothing else other than...
I was making the list for an event that hasn't happened yet. Unfortunately no play yet
dang that's right. Forgot that restriction.
Also remember you can just take dispel scrolls on all your champs. 20 point item, and you've pulled if out of the characters slot. Saurus,...
The only thing I worry about multi steggo is how well they handle other monsters. Dragons and the like. Yes the stegs have poison so that's really...
I was getting confused why you guys kept saying I said they were the best. Went back and read my post and It's because I stupidily left out the...
I'm not saying Slannless isn't viable. I too find the multi carno approach appealing. What I am trying to explain is if you take a slann, what...
The point about being impossible to carch was because the person I replied to said he was easy to catch. But to you points- it's 100-ish points...
We all miss that. But it does mean you'll never have a miscast drop a template on the middle of your bunker anymore. Silver linings there
Arcane familiar let's you pick from 2 lores. Not really a fan of that, as it throws away a big advantage of a level 4 wizard- 4 rolls in 1 lore....
Because as rare as a miscast is, it almost always negates a miscast when it happens. For me it's not about doing wounds to my opponent. That's...
I think you need to go revisit the Character Targeting rules. As long as your slann is around other units, he is going to be nigh on untargettable...
At 1k I think you can even get away with no magic. Most armies will only have level 2 wizards at 1k, which means less magic being cast and less...
I get what you are trying to do with the Scar Vet BSB, but I still feel it is likely best on the Slann. Less likely to be captured, and fly means...
Apotheosis is decent at lower points level games, where you are more likely to have foot characters. If stupidity wasn't so brutal, or cold...
If not doing TOW, 8th is fine, but amongst friends WAP can be cool. Just tons of opportunity for to branch out beyond the published factions...
I think the only time to take pipes is in a truly large swarm that you intend to scout and have die anyway, and you just want as many poison shots...
Maybe so. But I feel 2-3 musicians in an army (in this case only 1) is worth the equivalent points in skinks just for that 20%. Banner always...
Well the idea is if you use arcane vassal the vassal could be in range but not the caster Also, you could be 30 inches apart, but still put a...
It just leads you there for reference. It's actual entry is under Character Mounts. You are not taking a stegadon. You are taking a skink Chief...