I was dead set on a purple scaled/fleshy-yellow skinned, but the more I look at the paintjob GW used for the Scar-Vet on Carnosaur on their web...
I haven't seen any specifics on what could be in those new little bundles, but judging by the name for the Ironjawz one (Weirdnob Warband), and...
If cohesion is a concern (though it really doesn't have to be!), maybe you could, say, paint warriors in one of the two color schemes and knights...
Would be nice if they'd release a Seraphon "warband" pack. BUT the four "rumored" ones are Stormcast, Khorne, Ironjawz, and Flesh Eater...
I've been looking to get some salamanders/razordons and YEP they're really damn ugly. I'm considering grabbing a Flesh Hounds of Khorne kit...
Has anyone tried building a Carnosaur with a Stegadon's head? I've been working on building my Carnosaur and Stegadon and this thought popped into...
I have high hopes for some Seraphon updates/additions in the not-terribly-distant future since we have the distinction of being order daemons and...