Re: Elite Guard of Texustria (PLOG). Good looking stuff so far. I am really digging those Reaper minis dragons that you got. Might get some for...
Agree with both sides of the argument here. Yeah rippers are unpredictable but they can make a good ouch on someone as a kamikaze unit. Like most...
Agree mostly with what Pulstar wrote. However, the disadvantage of predatory fighters kinda over shadows the 1/6 chance of us getting extra...
If you are reading this post as a "we should have gotten this" then you are reading it wrong. What I AM saying is that what we DID get isnt...
Oh the anxiety is starting to fill my veins!
While I have not played a game with the new book yet but having read it through enough times I can say I agree/disagree on some things already...
Re: The Venom Legion of Quetza ("Slaan" added!) Great looking stuff and awesome conversions. Definitely getting some ideas for some of those...
Nice looking Bastiladon. The colors look great including the gem.
Wow those Rippers look awesome! Love their pattern. Loving that Gor-Rok model as well.
Re: Lava Lizardmen: Updated 15/08 Wow these look awesome! Everything just looks fantastic. Love the lava theme. You've pulled it off very nicely....
Yes many thanks are in order for Bob. His artwork is awesome!
Yes, yes that's what you told me! New thread for once the ordering is underway! :D
ROFL I LOVE ELDER SCROLLS!! Been playing since Morrowind (ES 3)
Haha nice. Thanks bob :)
AWESOME! The new designs are even better than the first Bob! Once again a job well done. Oh and thanks for considering and even adding my...
Love 'em! Definitely interested. Although might I suggest a slight different design on the swarm one. It looks like you're rolling a 1 on the die....
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Now with Rares I think I speak for all when I say very glad that you decided to share.
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Now with Rares Awesome, awesome, awesome! Caneghem you have done a superb review of our new army...
Really nice looking stuff so far. Crisp and clean. I especially like the salamander and the bases you've done for all.
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log - Tlaxtlan's Blood Moon Great looking stuff so far. Love the colors and love the conversion work. Keep it up!