Looking good so far. I like both paint schemes but like the first one more :).
Just flipped through all the pages of this thread and I have to say...SICK LOOKING ARMY! ESPECIALLY THAT TOTALLY FEARSOME AND AWESOME LOOKING...
Re: The Armies of Lustria Good job so far. Is this your first time painting models?
Thanks a lot for answering my questions Qupakoco! I will now proceed to make my three picks. D6 = 16mm dice D3 = 20mm dice Artillery = 20mm...
Nice pic bob. Oh, also wanted to point out that I loved the cool stuff you posted about the new awesomeness that is Razordons :)
Couple questions: 1. Is this poll only for artillery dice color or also for D6 and D3? 2. If this is a poll for all three die types will we be...
This is all great news. I've always loved the models for Razordons over Salamanders. Time to go out and get some :)
Re: Some ineresting dinosaur/creaure fluff in the new armybo I agree. And Colossadon? Good grief they couldn't be just a tad more creative?...
Very true which if you think about would probably benefit us more. Chop down some of those infantry blocks and even the playing field once our not...
Ah yes that will be greatly missed
Excellent *proceeds to hold up hands and meets fingers together as Mr.Burns would*
Not sure if anyone has answered this yet but does anyone know when the pre-release comes out and when in August does the actual new stuff come out...
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7! No doubt you will go very far with this. This piece is AMAZING! I don't think I'll...
Re: CONVERTED OLDBLOOD / (RE)PAINTING BLOG Wow great job on the painting and the conversion work on the oldblood. He looks really nice.
Nice job on the cold one. I like the scheme you went for on him and the base compliments it nicely.
I second that. Kinda easy to tell if you're a history geek like myself.
As most others have said, Lizardmen can be any color or pattern of your liking. At the end of the day it is your army. I'd say do a general google...
As much as I'd like to agree with everyone this is all just wishful thinking. Its GW and they will do one of two things: 1. Make a horrible...
I love that molten lizard look. Truly a fear inducing piece :-)
Haha good one