This guy has made some shark lizardmen maby you can get some inspiration
Thanks for posting it i have already seen it though ;P This guy at chaos dwarf also make cool chupayotl stuff...
Looks good so far Just keep practising , for every model you paint the better you will get ;)
Re: Painting schemes for my new Lizzie army Very interesting scheme keep em coming ;)
I think the saurus looks great :) You could try dipping them or maby apply a wash for more details
I might have to borrow the idea of painting my slann like a poison dart frog, if you don't mind :) Can't wait to see some pics.
Good idea with white spikes :D. My skinks have fins but i have other plans for my saurus warriors ;)
Hey thanks now the pics work :D
-c 3894: Chupayotl slips into the sea. All communication with lizardmen of the Southlands and Lustria is rendered impossible. Rumors says that...
Hi, I have been lurking this forum for awhile but now i have decided to join. I have collected lizardmen for 9-10 years now. Currently i am...