Farsight doesn't like the Ethereals because they are manipulative and hide the truth about the warp and daemonic entities, for the rest of the Tau...
Everything within the marked area is part of game 1 and 2. everything outside isn't in the game. [ATTACH]
Look what i have. [IMG] In albeit poor condition.
The game doesn't have anything going right now, no rumors or anything. There is the free-LC lord that's coming a some point, which is going to be...
Looks like (almost) all post-AoS, non-monster, hero's cost 15 Pound or more. While the pre-AoS (non-monster) hero's cost 15 pound or less.
The worst offenders of price influx are definitely the characters. There has always been a character "tax" so too say, but it's getting kinda...
In older editions range was measured from the weapon, not the model.
The different faces of all the people that will face that army. [IMG]
I know. [IMG] But i was talking about the big one.
There's also some old lore about the Dwarfs, and that they might have had golem constructs, before the war with the Elves.
Back in the Old World, the Empire had these moving castles, but they were on wheels. War wagons is what they were called. [IMG] They never had...
Old habits are hard to break. [IMG] sorry, the opportunity was too good to miss.