Where to Buy?! In order from cheapest to most expensive showing the rough range percentage off you can usually find: - Facebook Warhammer/Age of...
What if... the model can FLY? Can it Pile In over the top of enemy models?
Just to be clear I really don't like the thought of models jumping over models. I think its quite cheesy and unrealistic. I am just trying to...
I actually think Age of Sigmar they have tried to keep things as "simplistic" as they can. I think "realism" went out the door in 8th edition. =)
Thematically they jumped over, move distance wise they went straight along the table surface 2". Coherency they are still within 1".
Maybe the example was not clear. There is only 1 red unit - not 2. The single red unit has 2 rows of 5 red models each. There are no "rows" in Age...
https://www.screencast.com/t/HvCOQdhBLf Congo Line. Looks like in this example all red models can pile in and attack.
https://www.screencast.com/t/1bhTfDsZuGro Red row 1 piles in over blue and red row 2 moves piles in forward closer to blue. If there was a row 3...
Why would a model to the left stop you? What about right? I think we need to bring out our trusty MS Paint skills! ;)
Agree with the Warpfire Thrower comments: Glass Cannons are fine. I've tried to see if any 300 points of ours can stand up to 3x Stormfiends at...
I think question 2 is referring to the ability to pile in or the start of a pile in. Its a check you take part way through a pile in. It's funny...
It must FINISH its move closer. That does not mean it can't get further during its pile in. As long as it ends closer. Picture a model half inch...
Where does it say you cant go over the top? If the enemy is 1 rank only you could. 2 ranks no.
There are many discussions and lots of confusion about Piling In out there. I couldn't fin a clarification on the following. 1. What is to stop a...
A lot of people comment on how some army books have had multiple love to others that have had 1 or none. I believe GW tried to go in a "generic",...
Buy a Lord Kroak (proxy as a Regular Slann) and can swap and off the palanquin with a priest (from the Trog kit). Have all 3!
Extra chain! I don't think my partner will mind if I go hack up some jewelry! ;)
Skink with Magnetised War Spear https://www.instagram.com/p/BUMMiQhh5Wu/?taken-by=msinosic Skink with Magnetised Sunleech Bolas...
Back to the Shadowstrike Snipe - Has anyone written up a tactica on how to pull this off? I think it would be useful for all players to see the...
Blood bowl is incredibly fun. Probably the best spin off game GW have made. Yes they are Lizardmen because BB is set in the old world. Good to...