Since everyone likes my green. My inspiration is my old Bronco[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thank you, I have done so
So I'm using Corax White spray primer, then Apothecary white contrast and Corax white base, it seems to grey for me, any ideas on highlights to...
Just had to get the Bastiladon out. Not sure on color scheme Yet.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
So I purchased my First Seraphon a few weeks ago and here is my progress so far. Any help is great[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
So my progress on my Guard and my starter boxes. So the instruction in the new box(skinks) are cool laminated color, but dont show how to do the...
Figured, just not seeing anything yet, cutting stuff out now. Havent seen any pictures on any for inspiration either
So this might be somewhere else here, New here. Where do these small bits go? Instructions say nothing, I realize they are small and not...
I have ordered Both starter boxes with the New Tome today from my local store, I missed getting there Saurus starter box I saw earlier this week....
To pre-order the Battletome should be on GW site right?
What did you use for his head quills?
I have been a Fan of the Lizardmen since Late 90s early 2000(Also 40k Tyranids). I have been playing Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest since it came...