maybe this should be its own thread, but while we're all comparing battleline units, what would y'all take as your tarpit? something at max size...
Schwaaah - good post. hm, maybe a misread the summoning rules, but i'd thought that summoning only forfeit's the unit's movement, so they could...
Mm... That's kinda a vote against them then. If their big benefit is numbers, then skinks are better body count. If, I personally, was going to...
Im thinking about that, have any pics of the finished pieces?
Hey lustria, as the title implies, I'm looking for bolt spitters bits. I have extra skinks. 20 of em, actually, and no extra spitters, but a...
Why would that be? Still figuring out summoning tactics, and it seems like summoning a 20 blob of saurs is the best way to use them, as you can...
I'm looking at jumping on this conversion as well. Someone posted a pick of their cockatrice in another thread, and I thought "fuck if that aint a...
Probably looked down upon here, but the basti bases I ended up recasting in resin.
Hello fellow lustrians! They still need paint, but I wanted to share my take on razordons. I'm looking for ways to equip my army with ancient...
Yeah, those where what I was looking for, not finding them. Did find these guys, the vulture things would be scale to the actual ancient bird, if...
Hey y'all, wanted to bounce another idea off the conversion community. Our flying beasts are pretty cool, no beef with the models, but they way...
Cost wise, the start collecting box is nice. I'm in the minority about how good the knights are, but you're basically buying a carnosaur/trog, and...
Hey all, new to the forum, and I'm hoping mostly for sweet conversion ideas. To start with, I have the old metal slaan from 8th, it's boring,...