Hi, I just finished another commission: 20 OOP spearmen and a skink priest. My client liked a lot the last skink i painted so he wanted the same...
Thank you guys. The weapon wasn't so hard to paint. Just green (Warpstone Glow), green + black to put first shadows, green + white to put first...
Hi, This is the second part of the commission ; the OOP undead lord: http://flakosminis.blogspot.com/2018/10/seigneur-mort-vivant.html [img]...
Hi, The OOPskink priest is finished. As always you can see more pic on http://flakosminis.blogspot.com/2018/10/pretre-skink.html [IMG] [IMG]
I want to paint NMM green and an OSL that goes from the scythe. So it will go to black from white
Hi, There is 2 OOP minis for a new small commission : a skink priest and an undead lord. I think about paint the scythe in green. What do you...
Thank you guy Yes I hopehe will be pleased haha When he went for the first part he was happy with the result, and the minis were tabletop painted....
Hello everybody, I just finished the Bretonian commission, with Louen Lioncoeur's paintjob [img] [img] This is the commission second part...
Hi, Thanks for your com. I didn't post since days because i was finishing the knight: [img] [img] [img] And a link to my blog where you can...
I started a new character, a lord on horse with cavalry spear [img] [img] [img]
Hi. The commission continues with a more than 20 years old character : thefairy Morgiana. Hard to paint, especially the face, because of the bad...
Thank you guys
Hi, I didn't post anything since a long time. I have lot of work with a big Bretonian commission. I send you some pictures. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Yes he is :) I couldn't miss a workshop from him. I'm very happy I learned his techniques
Hi guys. Today I won't show you lizardmen minis. This weekend I participated to a worshop with Michal Pisarski, from Lan Studio. We approched his...
Looks nice. I seen your post in the afternoon and I went to buy some Oyumaru haha Tomorrow I'll try with millyput
I used a mix of Smoot Green and Screming Skull, then a glaze with Lamenters Yellow. For the hightlights that receive purple OSL, I used Gauss...
Thank you :)
Hi, Tetto'Eko is finally done. I started this mini in August the 26. I hope you'll like it. [img] [img] [img] [img] Ready for the battle :...
Very nice mini. Your NMM is great. You should paint a white line on the edges