Thought of going more aggressive with a hunting party: Teheloqtec - Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Saurus Sunblood (120) Slann Starmaster (260) -...
Thank you so much guys, you're right,I need more Saurus in that list. Back to the drawing board!
Hi guys! Looking forward to getting your opinions on this list: Teheloqtec - Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Saurus Sunblood (120) - Artefact :...
It's coming along quite nicely! Another good armature for modelling clay is aluminum foil, in case you ever need an alternative to firm board....
I love the diversity you're giving to your army with those crests! How old is the youngling? She might even help!
Welcome aboard! You may want to consider Vallejo paints if you want really bright colors. Not that GW doesn't make bright colors, but IMHO Vallejo...
@n810 I think you gave me a nudge in the right direction [ATTACH] I'm definitely happier with how it looks now, thank you for your comments!
Yep, you're absolutely right. It needs brighter areas, thank you!
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] It was taking me a long time to find a decent camera and setting for better pictures of my...
You beat me to it! I'm positively excited about it (and a little worried about point cost updates, but mostly excited!)
Thank you so much for taking the time for this tutorial. I've always been a fan of your work and will definitely try to replicate the technique...
Don't worry about perfection, enjoy the painting process. All of us are still learning and improving as we go, so you just continue painting and...
I've finally completed the chameleons' unit (well, technically two 5 man units), I'll post the whole unit tomorrow but here's a sample :D...
It's been said already but this is a great concept with a remarkable execution! Thank you for sharing, makes me wonder what other awesome mashups...
It's amazing that you kept such a high standard on a whole unit, I'm inspired!
Nice job! If you want to save some time on the scales try basecoating the whole figure using the brighter color, thinning the darker paint with...
Thank you! It's PLASTEPSA's epoxy putty, it's made here in Mexico. I thought it didn't hold detail very well, but it turns out I just wasn't...
Thank you! And yes, I got a can of Rust Oleum gray primer and everything's been just fine since :)
Looks like I'm finally making some steady progress, here's a WIP picture of my chameleon skinks conversion: [ATTACH] Sorry for the terrible...
Hahaha, thank you, I wish that was my tabletop standard. I spend a lot of time on characters, not so much on rank and file figures, which can be...