[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got him a nice base.
Man these are so similar to the dragons you rescue in Spyro the Dragon (remaster) and I don't like their faces. Wanted something more bestial,...
New Broken Realms Fiction involving us Lizards. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/12/broken-realms-fiction-the-scales-of-victory/ Don't...
July Patreon from Lord of the Print, Dynotopia [ATTACH] https://www.patreon.com/posts/july-release-53137019 Lord of the Print is a well known...
June Patreon over at Mini Monster Mayhem featuring fantastical dinosaurs with and without platforms for troops. Entry cost is $10 US per month....
Dinosaur and primitive people kickstarter with 7 days left, Jurassic Tribe. Features dinos, people riding those dinos, and some neat...
Cute Lizards [ATTACH] Over at Goon Master Games their patreon this month (May as of posting) is releasing some cute lizardmen. Saurus...
For warpaint and lizardmen I would keep shapes very simple and probably make it a bit blocky. Not fine lines. Can look up some mesoamerican art...
[ATTACH] Monster Hunter’s Glavenus inspired this big guy. WIP, my base I had planned for him no longer fit so I’m making a new one. This is...
New Kroak looks rad. Can't wait to get a bunch of painters trying it out like all the glorious Sigvalds and giants.
Smokey the Bear for a friend of mine. Printed and painted up. Also printed the hat and shovel. The base came with the bear but I used some...
I think medium sized monsters without much ornamentation are easy and fun to paint because washes and drybrushing on scales do so much work for...
I’ve printed and painted the Edelweiss from Valkyria Chronicles! Credit to Tiger Ace on Thingiverse who also has several different load-outs for...
Original Trilogy is the clear victor in my mind not only by creating the setting that everything else works off of, but also in just sheer...
I get a 404 if I press the "download all" options on those pages, but by downloading pieces individually everything is fine. I reckon it is just...
Those Kroxigors were released right when the whole lizardman line was redone in 6th edition. They were replaced by the current modern Kroxs later.
Merry Christmas folks! Here are some more gifts I’ve made for others with my printer and my paint. A bust based on my brother’s dog and a model...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Definitely beefier than the carnosaur, but not too different in size. That is not the correct size base...
Printed and painted a Frankenstein’s monster bust for my dad’s Christmas present. [ATTACH]
Free Apceros with 2 poses from Monster Hunter on thingiverse via PittRBM. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4674789 [IMG]